Customs Valuation

On 21 June 2018, the Minister of Finance (“MoF”) issued a new regulation No. 62/PMK.04/2018 regarding Customs Value for Calculation of Import Duty (“PMK-62”). This PMK-62 is the second amendment of 160/PMK.04/2010.
The main issues as stipulated in this PMK-62 are as follows:

  1.  Adding importers that will not undergo examination of customs value on Import Declaration Form (PIB) by Customs and Excise Officials, as follows:
    • Authorized Economic Operators;
    • Importers that obtain facilities from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM);
    • Importers that obtain KITE Exemption facilities;
    • Importers that obtain exemption facilities from the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (“DJBC”); and
    • Agencies of the Central Government or Regional Government that import directly,

    unless there is reliable information and instructions from a unit in the DJBC or an agency outside the DJBC.

  2.  In the case that the result of an examination of customs value is unreasonable, Customs and Excise Officials will conduct more in-depth examination by issuing Customs Value Information (INP) to the importer;
  3. Following PMK-61:
    • Determination on Customs Tariffs and/or Values by Customs and Excise Officials within 30 days shall be set forth in written form only if the Customs Tariff and/or Value declared is different from the result of examination, and if they do not issue a written assessment, the Customs Tariffs and/or Value declared in the Import Declaration Form (PIB) is considered as accepted and deemed to have been determined by the Customs and Excise Officer;
    • Redetermination of Customs Tariff and/or Value by the Director General through Re-examination (“Penelitian Ulang – Penul”) or Customs Audit in accordance with the Import Declaration Form (PIB) shall be stated as an assessment and no stipulation will be issued.
  4. Changes to the Customs Value Declaration (DNP) format, in accordance with the appendix to PMK-62.

PMK-62 became effective 30 (thirty) days after 21 June 2018.

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