Customs Valuation
- August 10, 2018
- Posted by: fuad
- Category: Alert, Info 1, Tax News
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On 21 June 2018, the Minister of Finance (“MoF”) issued a new regulation No. 62/PMK.04/2018 regarding Customs Value for Calculation of Import Duty (“PMK-62”). This PMK-62 is the second amendment of 160/PMK.04/2010.
The main issues as stipulated in this PMK-62 are as follows:
- Adding importers that will not undergo examination of customs value on Import Declaration Form (PIB) by Customs and Excise Officials, as follows:
- Authorized Economic Operators;
- Importers that obtain facilities from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM);
- Importers that obtain KITE Exemption facilities;
- Importers that obtain exemption facilities from the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (“DJBC”); and
- Agencies of the Central Government or Regional Government that import directly,
unless there is reliable information and instructions from a unit in the DJBC or an agency outside the DJBC.
- In the case that the result of an examination of customs value is unreasonable, Customs and Excise Officials will conduct more in-depth examination by issuing Customs Value Information (INP) to the importer;
- Following PMK-61:
- Determination on Customs Tariffs and/or Values by Customs and Excise Officials within 30 days shall be set forth in written form only if the Customs Tariff and/or Value declared is different from the result of examination, and if they do not issue a written assessment, the Customs Tariffs and/or Value declared in the Import Declaration Form (PIB) is considered as accepted and deemed to have been determined by the Customs and Excise Officer;
- Redetermination of Customs Tariff and/or Value by the Director General through Re-examination (“Penelitian Ulang – Penul”) or Customs Audit in accordance with the Import Declaration Form (PIB) shall be stated as an assessment and no stipulation will be issued.
- Changes to the Customs Value Declaration (DNP) format, in accordance with the appendix to PMK-62.
PMK-62 became effective 30 (thirty) days after 21 June 2018.