37 types of administrative tax services can now be accessed using 16/15-digit Tax ID and Domicile Identity numbers
- August 9, 2024
- Posted by: Administrator
- Category: Tax News

In line with the synchronization of Tax Identification Numbers (“NPWP”) and Individual Single Identity Numbers (“NIK”), the Director General of Taxes (“DGT”) has issued several announcements – PENG-18 on 12 July 2024, PENG-23 on 19 July 2024, and PENG-24 on 2 August 2024 – which extend the list of tax administration services that can utilize 16-digit NPWP, NIK, NITKU (Identity Number for Place of Business Activity/Nomor Identitas Tempat Kegiatan Usaha), or 15-digit Tax ID. However, the 15-digit Tax ID can only be used up to December 2024.
According to these announcements, users can now access 37 types of administrative tax services using those references (a 16-digit NPWP, a NIK, a NITKU, or a 15-digit NPWP) through its portal. The details of administrative tax services as follows :
Administrative Tax Services | Website |
1. Portal NPWP 16 | https://portalnpwp.pajak.go.id/ |
2. Account DJP Online | https://account.pajak.go.id/ |
3. Info KSWP | https://infokswp.pajak.go.id/ |
4. E-Bupot 21 | https://ebupot2126.pajak.go.id/ |
5. E-Bupot Unification | https://unifikasi.pajak.go.id/ |
6. E-Bupot Unification of Government Agencies | https://ebupotip.pajak.go.id/ |
7. E-Objection | https://eobjection.pajak.go.id/ |
8. E-Registration | https://ereg.pajak.go.id/ |
9. E-Filing | https://efiling.pajak.go.id/ |
10. Confirmation Documents | https://rumahkonfirmasi.pajak.go.id/ |
11. E-PHTB DJP Online | https://ephtb.pajak.go.id/ |
12. E-PBK | https://epbk.pajak.go.id/ |
13. E-SKD | https://eskd.pajak.go.id/ |
14. E-SKTD | https://sktd.pajak.go.id/ |
15. E-Reporting Investment and Dividend | https://ereportinginvestasi.pajak.go.id/ |
16. E-PHTB Notaris | https://ephtbnotarisppat.pajak.go.id/ |
17. E-Reporting PPS | https://ereportingpps.pajak.go.id/ |
18. E-SPOP | https://pbb.pajak.go.id/ |
19. E-Reporting Incentive | https://ereportingfasilitas.pajak.go.id/ |
20. Incentive Facilities | https://fasilitasinsentif.pajak.go.id/ |
21. Extension of Annual Tax Return | https://perpanjanganspt.pajak.go.id/ |
22. Service API E-Faktur External | Antarmuka Pemrograman Aplikasi/API |
23. PMSE External | https://digitaltax.pajak.go.id |
24. E-Faktur Web and Desktop | https://web-efaktur.pajak.go.id |
25. SPT Masa PPN 1107 PUT | https://spt1107put.pajak.go.id |
26. Portal Registration and Monitoring E-Faktur PJAP | https://h2h-efaktur.pajak.go.id/evat- portal/login |
27. Service PJAP Faktur | API |
28. e-Nofa | https://efaktur.pajak.go.id |
29. VAT Refund Modal Khusus | https://vatrefund.pajak.go.id |
30. E-Form Individual and Corporate tax return | https://eform-web.pajak.go.id |
31. Voluntary tax disclosure | https://sptfinalpps.pajak.go.id/ |
32. Primary Dealer Investment Reporting | https://pidu.pajak.go.id/ |
33. Service PJAP Laporan PMSE | API |
34. e-Filing PJAP | API |
35. Web Billing Internet | https://sse.pajak.go.id/ |
36. Depreciation and Amortization | https://penyusutanamortisasi.pajak.go.id/ |
37. Reporting of Stamp Duty Tax Returns | https://sptbeamaterai. pajak.go.id |
Please contact any GNV member for further details or a list of these tax administrative services and their internet portals/links. We will be happy to assist you.