37 types of administrative tax services can now be accessed using 16/15-digit Tax ID and Domicile Identity numbers

In line with the synchronization of Tax Identification Numbers (“NPWP”) and Individual Single Identity Numbers (“NIK”), the Director General of Taxes (“DGT”) has issued several announcements – PENG-18 on 12 July 2024, PENG-23 on 19 July 2024, and PENG-24 on 2 August 2024 – which extend the list of tax administration services that can utilize 16-digit NPWP, NIK, NITKU (Identity Number for Place of Business Activity/Nomor Identitas Tempat Kegiatan Usaha), or 15-digit Tax ID. However, the 15-digit Tax ID can only be used up to December 2024.

According to these announcements, users can now access 37 types of administrative tax services using those references (a 16-digit NPWP, a NIK, a NITKU, or a 15-digit NPWP) through its portal. The details of administrative tax services as follows :

Administrative Tax Services Website
1. Portal NPWP 16  https://portalnpwp.pajak.go.id/
2. Account DJP Online  https://account.pajak.go.id/
3. Info KSWP  https://infokswp.pajak.go.id/
4. E-Bupot 21   https://ebupot2126.pajak.go.id/
5. E-Bupot Unification  https://unifikasi.pajak.go.id/
6. E-Bupot Unification of Government Agencies  https://ebupotip.pajak.go.id/
7. E-Objection  https://eobjection.pajak.go.id/
8. E-Registration  https://ereg.pajak.go.id/
9. E-Filing  https://efiling.pajak.go.id/
10. Confirmation Documents  https://rumahkonfirmasi.pajak.go.id/
11. E-PHTB DJP Online  https://ephtb.pajak.go.id/
12. E-PBK  https://epbk.pajak.go.id/
13. E-SKD  https://eskd.pajak.go.id/
14. E-SKTD  https://sktd.pajak.go.id/
15. E-Reporting Investment and Dividend  https://ereportinginvestasi.pajak.go.id/
16. E-PHTB Notaris  https://ephtbnotarisppat.pajak.go.id/
17. E-Reporting PPS  https://ereportingpps.pajak.go.id/
18. E-SPOP  https://pbb.pajak.go.id/
19. E-Reporting Incentive  https://ereportingfasilitas.pajak.go.id/
20. Incentive Facilities  https://fasilitasinsentif.pajak.go.id/
21. Extension of Annual Tax Return  https://perpanjanganspt.pajak.go.id/
22. Service API E-Faktur External Antarmuka Pemrograman Aplikasi/API
23. PMSE External  https://digitaltax.pajak.go.id
24. E-Faktur Web and Desktop  https://web-efaktur.pajak.go.id
25. SPT Masa PPN 1107 PUT  https://spt1107put.pajak.go.id
26. Portal Registration and Monitoring E-Faktur PJAP https://h2h-efaktur.pajak.go.id/evat- portal/login
27. Service PJAP Faktur API
28. e-Nofa  https://efaktur.pajak.go.id
29. VAT Refund Modal Khusus https://vatrefund.pajak.go.id
30. E-Form Individual and Corporate tax return  https://eform-web.pajak.go.id
31. Voluntary tax disclosure  https://sptfinalpps.pajak.go.id/
32. Primary Dealer Investment Reporting  https://pidu.pajak.go.id/
33. Service PJAP Laporan PMSE API
34. e-Filing PJAP API
35. Web Billing Internet  https://sse.pajak.go.id/
36. Depreciation and Amortization  https://penyusutanamortisasi.pajak.go.id/
37. Reporting of Stamp Duty Tax Returns https://sptbeamaterai. pajak.go.id

Please contact any GNV member for further details or a list of these tax administrative services and their internet portals/links. We will be happy to assist you.

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