Minister of Finance regulation No. 198/PMK.010/2019 regarding Value Added Tax and Luxury Goods Sales Tax Treatment on Import of Taxable Goods Exempted from Collection of Import Duty

On 23 December 2019, the Minister of Finance (“MoF”) issued regulation No. 198/PMK.010/2019 regarding Value Added Tax and Luxury Goods Sales Tax Treatment on Import of Taxable Goods Exempted from Collection of Import Duty (“PMK-198”). PMK-198 is the seventh amendment of MoF regulation No. 231/KMK.03/2001 as most recently amended by MoF regulation 137/PMK.0l0/2018.

The new change in PMK-198 is as follows:

The import of Taxable Goods which is exempted from import duty and granted non-collection of Value Added Tax and/or Value Added and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods, is also applied to goods in the context of a Coal Mining Concession that is entered into by a Contractor in the Coal Concession with the following conditions:

  1. The contract was signed before 1990;
  2. The contract includes provisions regarding the granting of exemption or relief of import duties on imported goods in the framework of the Coal Mining Cooperation;
  3. The contract does not contain provisions regarding the period for granting exemption or relief of import duties; and
  4. The imported goods are State Property.

This PMK-198 is effective since 31 December 2019.

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