New Import Duty Rates on Import from EFTA States

Following the ratification of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) States (“IE-CEPA”), the MoF issued Regulation No. 152/PMK.010/2021 (“MoF-152/2021”) concerning the import duty tariffs on imports from EFTA States. This MoF regulation became effective on 1 November 2021.

In brief, imports from EFTA countries to Indonesia will be subject to lower import duty tariffs compared to the general (Most-Favored-Nation) tariffs, which differ based on product type and their applicability periods. The appendix of MoF-152 provides the list of the applicable import duty rates for each HS code.

The import duties for some products are subject to a Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) Scheme. Import duties for goods that are subject to TRQ are implemented as follows:

  • Tariff of 50% of the general tariff, for goods qualifying as in-quota;
  • Tariff of 60% of the general tariff, for goods categorized as out-quota.

In-quota preference tariff is a preferential import duty tariff in the TRQ scheme which is determined for imported goods that do not exceed the In-quota preference tariff is a preferential import duty tariff in the TRQ scheme which is determined for imported goods that do not exceed the annual quota of the TRQ scheme. Out-quota preferential tariff is a preferential import duty tariff in the TRQ scheme which is determined on imported goods that exceed the annual quota of the TRQ scheme.

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