Updates to IMEI Notification and Registration Procedures
- December 10, 2021
- Posted by: Administrator
- Category: Tax News

The Director General of Customs and Excise (“DGCE”) recently issued Regulation No. PER-13/BC/2021 (“PER-13”) which revokes the previous DGCE Regulation No. 5/2020 (“PER-5”) regarding the procedures for the Notification and Registration of the International Mobile Equipment Identity (“IMEI”) codes of telecommunications devices (“the Devices”). These Notifications and Registrations are required in order for telecommunications devices to connect to a national mobile network.
IMEI Notification is relevant to Devices that are obtained through the applicable customs procedures in DGCE offices. The procedure for submitting IMEI Notifications for the Devices in PER-13 is substantially similar to the procedure as outlined in PER-5. However, PER-13 now requires IMEI to be submitted to the IMEI Control System (Sistem Pengendalian IMEI) through an online platform provided by the DGCE (namely Sistem Komputer Pelayanan or SKP), by indicating the IMEI numbers in the following customs documents:
- Import Declarations (Pemberitahuan Impor Barang – “PIB”) for the imported Devices;
- PIB of Bonded Storage Areas (BC 2.5) for Devices which are released from Bonded Zones to Other Places within the Customs Territory;
- PPFTZ-01 for Devices which are brought into a Free Trade Zone from Outside the Customs Territory;
- PPFTZ-01 for Devices which are released from a Free Trade Zone to Other Places within the Customs Territory; or
- PPFTZ-03 for Devices which are brought into a Free Trade Zone from Other Places within the Customs Territory.
IMEI Registration is relevant to passengers or carrier crews, or those who import Devices through Postal Services (Penyelenggara Pos). Similar to the above, the IMEI Registration shall be submitted through the applicable procedures, as follows:
- An electronic registration form provided by the DGCE for the Devices carried by passengers or carrier crews;
- The registration procedures in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations regarding communication and informatics for the IMEI of the Devices carried by foreign tourists, as well as by officials or representatives of foreign countries and international organizations in Indonesia; and
- Consignment Note (CN-22/CN-23 or PIBK) for the Devices imported through Postal Services.
This DGCE regulation comes into force on 9 December 2021.